Friday, 11 January 2019

Keto Foods

I first heard of Keto about two years ago when someone added me to a group on social media. I read a lot of testimonies and saw loads of pictures which confirmed such testimonies. At first, I was sceptical, then when I became convinced I started counting the cost. Finally, somewhere in May of last year I decided to give it a try.

After the first three weeks there were remarkable changes which I'll share in due course. However, before I made move I did a load of research. My premise was the health implications of the ketogenic lifestyle; the affordability of foods and ; the availability of such foods. I'm domiciled somewhere in Africa right now, so my considerations have to be based on whether I could get some of the core food items easily. For those in United Kingdom, Tesco, Sainsbury, Morrison's to mention a few, could be of help, while the wharlmarts of USA could come to the aid of those living there. Meanwhile, if you live in Semi urban areas where I live, things might not come so easy.

All in all I gave Keto a try and I will be sharing some information as well as experiences with you on this page. Cheers!