Thursday, 5 December 2019

Keto Lunch (Spiced diced chicken and cabbage)


Chicken breast 2
Fresh Ginger
Fresh pepper
Curry powder
Seasoning cube
Keto compliant oil (Olive or coconut oil)


Wash and dice your chicken breast and drain. Pound or crush all the spices together and mix with the diced chicken. Keep in the fridge to marinate after adding your seasoning cube and salt. Set your pan on a medium heat stove, add three table spoons of oil, turn your chicken that has marinated into it. Stir and cover the pan. I like mine soft and succulent, so I lower the heat and let it simmer. Serve with the cabbage salad.

Friday, 11 January 2019

Keto Foods

I first heard of Keto about two years ago when someone added me to a group on social media. I read a lot of testimonies and saw loads of pictures which confirmed such testimonies. At first, I was sceptical, then when I became convinced I started counting the cost. Finally, somewhere in May of last year I decided to give it a try.

After the first three weeks there were remarkable changes which I'll share in due course. However, before I made move I did a load of research. My premise was the health implications of the ketogenic lifestyle; the affordability of foods and ; the availability of such foods. I'm domiciled somewhere in Africa right now, so my considerations have to be based on whether I could get some of the core food items easily. For those in United Kingdom, Tesco, Sainsbury, Morrison's to mention a few, could be of help, while the wharlmarts of USA could come to the aid of those living there. Meanwhile, if you live in Semi urban areas where I live, things might not come so easy.

All in all I gave Keto a try and I will be sharing some information as well as experiences with you on this page. Cheers!